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CRASA Infrastructure

CRASA offers intelligent solutions in infrastructure engineering for carrying out large scale works. We do this with innovation, safety and compliance to provide more development for society and growth for our country.

Environmental awareness
Crasa Infraestrutura maintains its focus on preserving the environment, working to minimize impacts in the development of its works. For this, the strictest standards of environmental techniques are applied, in addition to fully complying with the legislation dedicated to the subject.

Workplace safety
The company has a strong commitment to quality, safety, environment and health at work. The constant reassessment of risks inherent to work and monitoring of the best market practices ensure that activities at Crasa are always conducted in a sustainable manner and with a focus on our employees.

People management
Since its inception, Crasa has focused on having the best professionals working on its projects. To achieve this goal, it invests in its staff through internal programs that train, develop and keep its professionals updated with new technologies and market views. In addition, the company is concerned with maintaining a great work environment, seeking to generate safety and comfort in the development of all activities. Thus, the people who work at the company feel motivated and committed, willing to overcome all challenges and deliver with maximum quality.



Um futuro sustentável, relações confiáveis, estradas que levam a vidas melhores. Temos a leveza e a criatividade de quem chegou agora, com toda a energia para criar uma nova história. Trazemos a técnica e a experiência de quem honra os ensinamentos daqueles que chegaram antes de nós. É com essas duas forças, o espírito inovador e o conhecimento sólido, que vamos construir muito. 

Porque se tem algo que nós sabemos fazer é infraestrutura. E, a partir dela, reluzamos a maior construção: a de uma sociedade sustentável, evoluída e com mais oportunidades. 

Purpose, Vision and Values

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Build, through engineering and best management practices, sustainable results and solutions in the area of infrastructure, in order to provide society with more comfort, quality of life and opportunities.

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To be seen by the market as a reference for construction and management excellence in the area of infrastructure, through sustainable growth (economic, social and environmental).

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Values (Conduct)
Integrity is the foundation of our relationships;
Innovation to generate value and overcome challenges;
Respect and commitment to People;
Transparency in all our actions;
Trust that generates Credibility;


Um tempo de novas possibilidades começa com a CRASA. O ano de 2019 marca o início desta empresa que já nasce com experiência e um propósito claro: gerar soluções e resultados sustentáveis na área de infraestrutura, proporcionando à sociedade mais oportunidades.

Sonhamos grande e temos a dimensão da realidade. Ao lado de uma equipe comprometida, competente e com uma gestão que valoriza a ética, a transparência e as melhores práticas, queremos nos tornar referência em excelência construtiva e conquistar o reconhecimento do mercado e da sociedade.

Além dos grandes projetos de engenharia, há mais coisas importantes por construir: boas relações, credibilidade e histórias de crescimento. Todas elas serão concretizadas com os valores sólidos que nos são inerentes.

Com inovação, geramos valor e superamos desafios. Com respeito e integridade, fortalecemos relações. Esse é o jeito CRASA de atuar. É assim que nós participaremos ativamente do desenvolvimento dos nossos colaboradores, clientes, parceiros e de toda a sociedade.​


Sejam bem-vindos.

Cid José Andreucci

Conheça mais sobre a CRASA

Português | PT-BR

Inglês | EN

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Great Place to Work measures employee reliability in relation to the company, including organizational climate, job and salary plan, benefits, growth opportunity, infrastructure, management transparency and employee autonomy. We know that when the individual finds his essence and is free to be himself, great transformations take place, and a favorable atmosphere for innovation is created.

About Us

We use our technical capacity to create the best execution plans in order to materialize our clients' wishes in the field. We value the planning phase to minimize construction risks, where resources are managed to perform services safely and meeting the required quality.

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Curitiba Office - R. Mario Tourinho, 1746, Seminario - Curitiba/PR | CEP 80740-000.


Telephone: (41) 3165-5100 - Fax (41) 3165-5132


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© 2020 Crasa Infrastructure. Created by Online Consulting

© 2020 Crasa Infrastructure. Created by Online Consulting

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