Transparency Portal
Política ESG
Sustainability report. Base year 2019
We are delighted to present our first official sustainability report! The document was produced in accordance with the guidelines of the most recent GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) model, Standards, being the first global standard for the disclosure of economic, environmental and social information. GRI is an international organization that helps companies, governments and other institutions understand and communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.
GRI Standards - Sustainability Report 2021
Code of Ethics
CRASA and its shareholders and directors aim and commit to a new organization, with a new way of operating, managing their business and interacting with their customers, suppliers, partners, public entities and society in general.
CRASA's Code of Conduct reflects its commitment to these purposes. This document, through its implementation and deployment in the company, is a reference to be pursued by its professionals and business partners, with all the company's leadership committed to combating any misconduct. These are encouraged to be reported through a Whistleblower Channel.
Comic Book Code of Ethics
CRASA's Comic book brings together the conducts and principles that must be observed and adopted by all areas, as well as by direct or indirect managers and employees, guiding the actions and relationships with the different stakeholders, always focusing on the application of the principles and rules of planned conduct.
CRASA Organizational Chart

CRASA Internal Policies (click to download them):
No retaliation to whistleblowers
Conflict of interests
Gifts, travel, gifts and hospitality
Donations and sponsorship
government relations
Relations with Competition and Antitrust
Relations with suppliers, service providers and business partners
Code of Ethics and Conduct
Comic Book Code of Ethics
Institutional presentation