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  • Writer's pictureCRASA Infraestrutura

We Work Integrating Engineering Solutions!

The work of Binário Porto de Santos was completed seven months in advance! The remodeling of Via Anchieta at the entrance to Santos is an Ecovias project, carried out in a consortium between CRASA and Itinera. Always respecting the law and the safety of the 900 employees who participated in the project (direct and indirect), as well as the surrounding community. It is a project to implement the connection between the Port and the City of Santos, improving the access of via Anchieta (SP-150) to neighborhoods in the port area, increasing traffic capacity in the region and offering more road safety to users of the highway.

In 2020, the second package of works was delivered, which included the handle of the Alemoa viaduct, which is 406 meters long and has two lanes; the pedestrian overpass at km 64 of via Anchieta; the Pedestrian Walkway at Km 62, the Piratininga viaduct, the Anchieta Viaduct; the completion of a 5 km cycle path, connecting Jardim Casqueiro to the Santos cycling network and 1.2 km of double stormwater drainage gallery with diameters of 2.0 m x 2.0 m. The work will directly benefit the more than 60,000 vehicles that pass through the site daily.

The highlight of the project was the execution of rigging on the Alemoa and Piratininga viaducts, during the work it was necessary to carry out shoring with special inverted rigging with support at the ends of the connections, to bridge the spans over the Anchieta highway and the Railroad, respectively. This is due to the soil conditions in the port region and the stretches of crossings of the SP-150 highway and the Santos Railroad. CRASA's solution ensured that the construction steps did not impact local traffic, as well as access to the Port of Santos.

Want to know more about it? Check out our GRI Report that will be released this Friday (05/28).

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